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A Letter of Counseling is merely the formal documenting of an infraction. It's a way of describing an unacceptable behavior so that the receiver cannot fail to understand it. Often, Airmen don't realize or understand the seriousness of their behavior. A formal letter of counseling is a way to get their attention and let them know their behavior is not acceptable and explain the possible consequences. The offender is required to sign the Letter of Counseling indicating that he or she received the counseling. If the behavior described by the LOC is not corrected, the LOC will serve as justification for more serious administrative action. Otherwise the matter ends there.
Normally, when an LOC is written and the recipient signs it, the supervisor sends it to the orderly room for filing. But some supervisors build in another level of correction; they don't initially send the LOC to the Squadron. They don't want to see their troop get in trouble so they just hold on to it. No one knows about it but the supervisor and the offender. But it's there, lying in the supervisor's desk drawer like a coiled cobra ready to strike if disturbed. If the offender continues the offensive behavior, despite being counseled, then the LOC (and any MFRs that have been written) is forwarded to "the squadron". When an LOC (or similar paperwork) is forwarded to the Squadron orderly room, it is understood that the supervisor recommends that the commander file it in the Airman's PIF. This action will often produce an appointment with the First Sergeant.
In the grand scheme of things, a Letter of Counseling is not a career stopper or an adverse administrative action. However, it can mark the beginning of the transition of the attempt to correct bad behavior from the workcenter, where a troop has friends and supervisors who care for him, to the squadron, where things get more serious. As long as the LOC is kept in the workcenter, and no one outside your immediate chain of command is aware of it, the concern and punishment it might generate is limited. But when it goes to the orderly room and the First Sergeant and Commander get involved, you become subject to all the consequences the Air Force and the UCMJ can support.
AF Form 174, Record of Individual Counseling (xfdl format)
AF Form 174, Record of Individual Counseling (pdf format)
A formal Letter of Counseling is normally recorded on an AF Form 174, Record of Individual Counseling, but if you don't have an AF Form 174 on hand, the counseling may be recorded on plain bond paper or squadron letterhead. If using bond paper or letterhead, the format is the same for Letters of Counseling, Letters of Admonishment, and Letters of Reprimand. The only difference is the subject line (Letter of Counseling rather than Letter of Reprimand). When writing a Letter of Counseling, the following information should be included: More...
Letter of Counseling Example (Not Wearing a Mask, Article 92)
Letter of Counseling Example (Article 92 Failure to Obey Orders or Regulations)
Letter of Counseling Example (Article 92 Failure to Obey Orders or Regulations)
Letter of Counseling Example (Article 91 Insubordinate Conduct/Disrespect toward an NCO)
Letter of Counseling Example (Article 111 Reckless Driving/Drunken Driving)
Letter of Counseling Example (Article 92 Failure to Obey Orders or Regulations)
See also: Examples of counseling for more than 100 situations and events
FROM: MSgt Reed
SUBJECT: Safety Incident, 10 Nov 12
1. On the night of 8 Nov 12, SSgt Denver began a periodic PMI on the SSUPS, picking up where you left off, according to the job ticket. While cleaning the interior of the equipment, he noticed heat rising from the transformers and subsequently discovered that power was actually turned on.
2. We are extremely fortunate that SSgt Denver wasn't electrocuted. I read the log and the job ticket and I don't understand why power would be on at the stage of work you were at. In addition, signs were posted on the SSUPS and the main circuit breaker indicating power was off.
3. Your conduct jeapordized your safety and the safety of your crew. I am disqualifying you on all high power equipment until we can be assured that you are qualified to safely work on it. TSgt Phillips will conduct safety training with you and I will schedule you for a QA personal inspection to evaluate your understanding of safety procedures. Only after passing that inspection will you resume work on high powered equipment.
Civil Enginneering, XXXXX
1. On 23 January 2024, I, SSgt Skylar M. Hill, had to call and wake you up to come to work at 0750L. This is the third time since arriving in the work center that I have had to call and wake you up to come into work. I had to call and wake you up on 18 December 2023 at 0812L and 5 January 2024 at 0925L making this the third occurrence in just over one month you had to be called to wake up to come into work. Your assigned duty hours are from 0730L to 1630L Monday through Friday. You have shown a downward negative trend and this letter of counseling is to serve as a tool to remediate this behavior.
2. You are hereby counseled. As a member of the United States Air Force, you are expected to be at your appointed place of duty at the time prescribed, and to not leave your place of duty or to be absent from your unit without authority. Your actions are in direct violation of AFI 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure - Responsibilities of all Junior Enlisted Airmen, and your repeated tardiness infractions have brought discredit upon yourself, this squadron, and the United States Air Force. I have every expectation going forward that you will arrive to work on time or early and adhere to all work center standards. Your conduct is unacceptable and further deviation from standards will result in more severe action.
AB Randy Leo, a member of Student Flight awaiting his departure for Basic Military Training (BMT) and Technical School, has demonstrated a pattern of failing to meet attendance and communication expectations. He is assigned to the Force Support Squadron, specifically in Services. Despite clear guidance and multiple reminders, he has repeatedly failed to attend drill, arrived late without notice, and left drill without proper authorization.
During the February drill (February 8, 2025), Student Flight members were directed to walk to Building 888 for physical training (PT). Instead of proceeding to the designated location, AB Leo left without informing an instructor or obtaining permission. When questioned the following day, he stated that he had been ill and needed to leave. He was verbally counseled and reminded that all early departures must be communicated and approved by an instructor beforehand.
During March RSD, 8 March 2025, the same situation occurred. Student Flight members were again instructed to walk to Building 888 for PT, and AB Leo left without notifying any instructors. His repeated failure to follow instructions demonstrates a disregard for accountability and military expectations. Additionally, on Sunday, 9 March 2025, when Student Flight members were released at 0745 to report to their respective units, AB Leo failed to report to his unit. He was not seen throughout the day, leading to the conclusion that he left the base without authorization and without notifying anyone.
In addition to attendance issues, AB Leo has yet to complete his Security Questionnaire, despite being reminded during each drill weekend. Student Flight members have been informed that assistance is available if needed, yet AB Leo has not sought help or taken the necessary steps to complete this requirement.
Corrective Actions
To ensure accountability and compliance with Student Flight and unit expectations, the following corrective measures will be implemented:
Mandatory Approval for Release. AB Leo must obtain permission before leaving drill. This applies to both Student Flight and his assigned unit.
Sunday Unit Check-In. When released on Sundays to report to his unit, he must check in with the Services team and receive permission before departing for the day.
Completion of Security Questionnaire. AB Leo is required to complete his Security Questionnaire no later than April drill. He will be monitored to ensure proper completion and submission.
Consequences for Further Noncompliance
Failure to comply with these corrective actions or continued disregard for expectations may result in further administrative action, including but not limited to a Letter of Admonishment (LOA), Letter of Reprimand (LOR), or potential administrative separation from service.
This Letter of Counseling serves as formal documentation of these concerns and outlines the necessary steps for improvement. Continued disregard for military expectations will not be tolerated.