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Words that Match the Rating

Depending on your unit and chain of command, a varying amount of emphasis is put on making EPR bullets "match" the rating. Bullets are expected to be written, both in level of accomplishment and in language, that coincide with the rating. In the tables below are lists of adjectives and adverbs that are appropriate for varying levels of performance. Note that these lists are only intended to demonstrate the graduations of meaning assigned to words appropriate for escalating levels of performance and are not authoritative.

1 2 3 4 5
never infrequently often continuously always
rarely sometimes consistently invariably unfailingly
seldom occasionally regularly habitually constantly

1 2 3 4 5
inadequate unmotivated supportive forceful aggressive
uncooperative unconfident competent daring driven
combative uninvolved energetic motivated determined
unsatisfactory distracted confident unlimited enterprising
incompetent unqualified cooperative diligent enthusiastic
untrained gung ho committed fearless
purposeful tireless insatiable
satisfactory self-disciplined tenacious
active thriving unstoppable

Comparison to Peers
1 2 3 4 5
lagging inexperienced above average exceptional unsurpassed
below average team member experienced leading supreme
sub par team player recognized incomparable top
unmotivated potential independent one-of-a-kind best
weak inactive promising towering unrivaled
uninspired skilled proven dominant
second class talented seasoned unmatched
top notch first

1 2 3 4 5
unsatisfactory ordinary flawless industrious heroic
sub par lightweight laudable successful stellar
substandard unsuccessful memorable invaluable legendary
weak uninspired professional exceptional leading
unenthusiastic unprofessional notable powerful triumphant
incomplete unproductive outstanding masterful record-breaking
poor imperfect praiseworthy remarkable phenomenal
incompetent competent cadillac precision
24 karat performance

1 2 3 4 5
dishonest uninvolved honest reasonable idealistic
uncooperative inexperienced selfless loyal relentless
careless unproductive self-confident perceptive persuasive
immature unmotivated patient tactful influential
negative undependable proactive invested sincere
selfish unreliable positive realistic productive

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