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SrA Rinehart attended a 3-day skills training to build counselor skills. She used these skills to train 21 personnel, teaching vital skills and mentorship.
Captain Snuffy showed leadership by managing five nurses and four medical technicians in Trauma Intensive Care Unit winning the Secretary of the Air Force Quality Award. He was the first choice to be lead Advance Cardiac Life Support instructor insuring five-hundred-sixty-seven medical professionals maintained life saving skills. Implemented AFSO21 initiative; decreased intensive care infection rates by fifty-two percent with implementation of a wash all protocol with cholorhexidene gluconate thus reducing hospital stay times by over thirty-seven percent.
- Implemented AFSO21 initiative; eliminated inefficient steps w/urgent care consult tracking--saved 520 hrs/yr
- Led med referral ctr team; researched/tracked 6K overdue referrals to completion--eliminated 3-mth backlog
- Assistant NATO liaison; briefed medical benefits to 125 eligible foreign partners--provided vital knowledge
- Developed consult tacking audit; ensured notes provider review/filed in pt med records--100% HSI compliant