Air Force Commendation Medal
Citation Examples

Staff Sergeant Seth A. Blackwood distinguished himself by meritorious service as an Armament Systems Instructor, 363d Training Squadron, Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, from [DATE] to [DATE]. During this period, Sergeant Blackwood's professional skill, leadership, and dedication significantly enhanced training operations and mission readiness. He coordinated with curriculum stakeholders to elevate faculty capabilities, implementing a sixth-generation learning environment that increased classroom efficiency by 15%. Leading an instructor team, he safeguarded $342 million in training aircraft, improved educational impact, and strengthened operational readiness. Sergeant Blackwood streamlined operations by guiding the relocation of three trainers, reducing facility occupancy by 33%, centralizing flight oversight, and eliminating $23 million in facility sustainment costs. Additionally, he played a vital role in the first Combat Capability Demonstration, showcasing the B-52 nuclear mission generation to 500 Airmen, an event recognized by General Dietrich. His proactive problem solving resolved Barksdale Air Force Base's nuclear equipment deficit by reallocating excess assets and liaising with Global Strike A4 and FSS, saving the Air Force $10,000. Furthermore, Sergeant Blackwood managed the flight's Petroleum Contaminated Waste program, correcting 17 discrepancies, preventing $25,000 in violation fines, and contributing to the Wing's "Highly Effective" Unit Effectiveness Inspection rating in Mission Execution. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Blackwood reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Captain Jaime Martinez distinguished himself by outstanding achievement as a Critical Care Nurse, Critical Care Flight, 96th Inpatient Operations Squadron, 96th Medical Group, 96th Test Wing, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. As In-House Nursing Supervisor, Captain Martinez led 28 staff across four flights over 276 shifts, ensuring care for 3,300 occupied bed days and contributing to 3.8 million dollars in healthcare services. Additionally, he bolstered Coronavirus operations amid critical manning gaps, treating 110 patients and cutting Critical Care Unit stays by two days, saving 1.1 million dollars. Furthermore, Captain Martinez anchored the Federal Emergency Management Agency's mission, delivering 380,000 dollars in hospital care in a span of 180 hours, safeguarding 108,000 civilians in the nation's most impacted county. Moreover, as the Group's Code Blue Lead, he directed 55 life-support exercises, validating 23 units and 465 medics, efforts directly contributed to eight lives saved, and earned him a coin from the Test Wing Commander. Finally, Captain Martinez's contributions were key in the Group earning the 2022 and 2023 Air Force Materiel Command Hospital of the Year awards and Becker's 5-star rating. The distinctive accomplishments of Captain Jaime Martinez reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Lerya R. Nicholas distinguished herself by meritorious service as Medical Services Account Officer, Resource Management Office Flight, 60th Medical Support Squadron. During this period, Sergeant Nicholas addressed 1,172 vouchers, resulting in clearing a 120-day backlog and recapturing 6.3 million dollars. She also facilitated the first Virtual Reality training for 253 personnel cementing 100 percent compliance rate for The Joint Commission. Furthermore, Sergeant Nicholas drove the Civilian Appraisals Program by reviewing 306 awards and validating 17 Quality Step Increases for eight squadrons. Finally, she revamped Referral Management Center's business rules to maximize Tricare contracts worth 17.7 billion dollars by simplifying processes for 56 clinics and 133 personnel to cut workload by 20 percent and saved 81 thousand dollars per year which contributed to their selection as Air Mobility Command's 2022 and 2023 Hospital of the Year. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Nicholas reflect credit upon herself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Adana K. Atkinson distinguished herself by meritorious service as NCOIC/HARM, 27th Special Operations Support Squadron, 27th Special Operations Group, 27th Special Operations Wing, Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico. Sergeant Atkinson expertly led a three-member team, flawlessly managing a $5.4 million flight pay program for 1,467 aircrew. Her leadership ensured the seamless distribution of $250,000 in flight pay, resolved $4,700 in discrepancies, and maintained 100% accountability. She enhanced mission readiness by standardizing training for eight Airmen, enabling the validation of 600 aeronautical orders annually. As a key member of the Aircrew Advisory Group, Sergeant Atkinson was a part of a pivotal event with 109 participants from eight major commands and three Combatant Commands, to strengthen policy for Special Tactics personnel and 1C0X2s. Her resourcefulness was further proven when she resolved an Air Force-wide PHA deficiency, averting financial losses and driving enterprise-level improvements. Additionally, Sergeant Atkinson led 55 volunteers to raise $8,300 for the 2024 Women's Leadership Symposium, engaging 114 base and community leaders. Her commitment to excellence extended to personal development, as she completed 70% of her master's degree with a 4.0 GPA, earning top honors in the advanced HARM course. The distinctive accomplishments of Staff Sergeant Atkinson reflect great credit upon herself, the 27th Special Operations Wing, and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Christian Valdespino distinguished himself by meritorious service as ECC Controller, 379th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, Al Udeid Air Base, from 19 April 2024 to 31 October 2024. During this period, Sergeant Valdespino identified three critical deficiencies in the vehicle search pit and assisted in rewriting the Standard Operating Procedure, partnering with two agencies to fix security gaps and ensure the security of 980 sorties against threats from Houthis, Iran, China, and Russia. He directed command and control of 94 personnel for 144 security incidents, responded to 17 drone detections, and coordinated with two entities to bar 13 individuals, directly contributing to the squadron earning Team of the Month. Additionally, Sergeant Valdespino designed a $33,000 spend plan for security operations across 13 entry control points, enhancing quality of life for 225 Defenders with new post equipment and patrol kits. He earned his Community College of the Air Force degree, revamped the training plan for 30 critical tasks, mentored 29 personnel, and reduced timelines for over 9,400 Joint Forces. His leadership and dedication guided two Airmen to achieve Below-the-Zone promotion and the Diamond Sharp Award. The distinctive accomplishments of Staff Sergeant Valdespino reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Technical Sergeant Oneill distinguished himself by meritorious service as Specialist, 477th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, [Location] from 2 September 2020 to 1 September 2023. During this period, Sergeant Oneill's unparalleled technical expertise and steadfast dedication enabled an astounding 80 percent mission capability standard, as he skillfully resolved an elusive code 3 condition by locating a broken transformer rectifier circuit. His pivotal role as a key technician was instrumental in generating 15 F-22s for the 3rd Wing's largest Moose Walk with less than 50 percent manning, securing the prestigious Installation Excellence Award. Sergeant Oneill's exceptional leadership was showcased during an F-22 rapid deployment plan, where he spearheaded the completion of 28 maintenance actions and generated 12 combat-ready aircraft for Polar Force Ace operation, culminating in an impressive 228 flight missions across 4 different locations. Furthermore, his unrivaled technical prowess was vital in rebuilding a crashed F-22, as he meticulously completed over 150 maintenance actions, rekeying and reloading multiple flight programs, ultimately saving the Air Force an astounding $170 million. The distinctive accomplishments of Technical Sergeant Oneill reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Kaleb J. Collins distinguished himself by meritorious service as Cyber Warfare Operator, 35th Intelligence Squadron, 659th Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Group, 70th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing. During this period, Sergeant Collins completed a three-year training pipeline to become an Interactive On-Net Operator for the National Security Agency. In addition, he led a series of operations that denied near-peer adversaries access to contested key terrain. His actions ensured unimpeded collection of critical intelligence for the US Executive Branch and led to 386 reports being briefed to the National Security Council which directly helped shape US foreign policy. Finally, Sergeant Collins trained 17 joint personnel in technical tradecraft, securing a $2B weapon system which enabled the use of new capabilities to improve the Operational Security of eight projects. His technical expertise was demonstrated by the completion of 136 interactive operations culminating in his selection for National Security Agency Non-commissioned Technician of the Quarter. The distinctive accomplishments of Staff Sergeant Collins reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Tessa M. Medina distinguished herself by meritorious service as Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer, 8th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, 8th Medical Group, 8th Fighter Wing, Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea. During this period, Sergeant Medina was the liaison for 2,600 service members where she processed fifty-three annual medical reviews and expedited two medical separations eliminating a six-month backlog which improved the Medical Evaluation Board processing time by 25 percent. Furthermore, she drove a process improvement by partnering with the 51st Medical Group to deliver Optometry care for 550 joint warfighters while also managing the Aircrew Soft Contact Lense program for thirty aviators, ultimately saving 30,000 dollars in referral costs. Moreover, as the Personnel Reliability Assurance Program monitor, she oversaw the record processing for four hundred personnel and secured a no-fail mission for six career fields, directly aiding in the Pacific Air Force Command earning Best Medical Response award. Finally, Sergeant Medina led a twelve-man team in support of six F-16 in-flight emergencies and two Class-A mishaps, protecting 1.2 billion dollars in Wing assets. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Medina reflect credit upon herself and the United States Air Force.

Captain Joel L. Espinosa distinguished himself by meritorious service as Clinical Nurse, 86th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, 86th Air Base Wing, Ramstein Air Base, Germany. During this period, he guided eight staff with six providers to optimize healthcare for 9.6 thousand active-duty members, 900 aircrew across 3 Wings, two Numbered Air Forces, and 168 Geographically Separated Units. Additionally, he led the Field Response Team nurses during Operation Allies Refuge, the Air Force's largest Noncombatant Evacuation ever by providing medical treatment and safe haven for 35,000 evacuees. As Base and Operational Medicine Clinic Element Leader, Captain Espinosa directed 40 members and managed 15 wing programs to ensure rapid care for 385 Personnel Reliability Program members and 395 Defenders, ensuring an "effective" rating during the Unit Effectiveness Inspection leading to a 3-year Joint Commission accreditation. Furthermore, he developed guidance for the Medical Standards element to transform the return to duty process, improving the wing's mission ready rate to 96 percent, and contributing to a Squadron Team of the Quarter win. Finally, Captain Espinosa drove nursing services in Warrior Medicine Clinic and Flight & Operational Medicine clinic where his leadership was pivotal to the Medical Group winning the Air Force 2021 Clinic of the Year. The distinctive accomplishments of Captain Espinosa reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Captain Kyle D. Woodward distinguished himself by outstanding achievement as a Program Manager for Cyberspace Projects, 707th Communications Squadron, 707th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group, 70th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, Air Combat Command, Ft. George G. Meade, Maryland. During this period, Captain Woodward led a twelve member team to manage a thirteen million dollar application refinement and a four million dollar international program development project, paving the way for future capabilities within the Intelligence Community. In addition, he was vital to enhancing an analytical tool by sunsetting a deprecated system and training critical teams on the new system, enabling two thousand end users to continue signal intelligence processing operations. Furthermore, he led a team of six engineers to tackle a ten year old workflow issue by analyzing and fixing eight thousand analytic processes, resulting in a revised end user product with desired features. The distinctive accomplishments of Captain Woodward reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Sean S. Han distinguished himself by outstanding achievement as Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge, Equipment Accountability Element, 379th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron, 379th Expeditionary Mission Support Group, 379th Air Expeditionary Wing, Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. During this period, Sergeant Han oversaw the largest Air Forces Central Command equipment section that consisted of 82 organizational accounts with 8,700 assets worth 143 million dollars in support of Operations INHERENT RESOLVE, ENDURING SENTINEL, AND SPARTAN SHIELD. Additionally, his expertise transformed the Commander's organizational visit program, overseeing inspections of 82 accounts, achieving a one hundred percent inventory accuracy rate, and rectifying a one-year oversight of 8,700 mission support equipment. Moreover, he orchestrated redistribution of 260 pieces of support equipment in alignment with 379th Air Expeditionary Wing War Reserve Material and Wing's support equipment re-posture plan. His effort mitigated risks to current operation plans, contributing to 385 man-hours and 120,000 dollars saved, earning Air Force Central Command material manager of the month recognition. Finally, Sergeant Han directed nine redistribution orders, deploying 1.8 million dollars in mission support assets to four bases for successful RADAR power completion at Al Dhafra Air Base, playing a pivotal role in early detection of hostile missile attacks from Iranian forces. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Han reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Vanessa D. Davila distinguished herself by meritorious service as Aviation Resource Manager, 524th Expeditionary Special Operations Squadron, 1st Special Operations Task Group East Africa, Special Operations Command Africa, Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti from 01 November 2023 to 24 April 2024. During this period, Staff Sergeant Davila facilitated the execution of 123 flying hours, transporting 234 passengers and 5,670 pounds of cargo. In addition, she supported the Malawi field assessment which provided essential improvements to the embassy action plan and strengthened partner relations. Moreover, Sergeant Davila helped stand up the C-146 operations center in CENTCOM, ensuring the alert posture of 15 aircrew members supporting the Israeli conflict. Furthermore, she authored 120 flight authorizations in direct support of operations, maintained and corrected the Flying Hour tracker for C-146 SOTU Djibouti, and rebuilt the 781 continuity process, ensuring the stability and accuracy of aircrew member hours. The distinctive accomplishments of Staff Sergeant Davila reflect credit upon herself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Tyler C. Schultz distinguish himself by meritorious service while assigned to the C-146 Special Operations Task Unit East Africa, Djibouti, Africa. During this time, Sergeant Schultz served as an essential communication technician within African Command's sole C-146 SOTU where he leveraged his communications skillset to support the safe completion of XXX mobility flying hours providing direct access and placement into XXX countries. His cyber systems expertise and keen attention to detail was crucial in providing 60 proper encrypted line of sight and satellite communication capabilities, ensuring constant staff to crew contact during sorties and contested environments across Africa and Europe. Finally, Sergeant Schultz demonstrated his superior work ethic by eliminating over 150 cyber security incidents and vulnerabilities, resulting in exceptional communication across 3 Combatant Commands. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Schultz reflect credit upon herself and the United States Air Force.

Senior Airman Nadia J. Garza distinguished herself by meritorious service while assigned as Respiratory Care Practitioner, 99th Surgical Operations Squadron, 99th Medical Group, 99th Air Base Wing, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. During this period, Senior Airman Garza directed inpatient operations as the Respiratory Therapy shift leader, where she supported 238,000 patients, managing two hundred and twenty shifts, and performing 7,200 procedures. Additionally, Airman Garza's clinical knowledge and devotion to the mission were significant in her selection to deploy with the Critical Care Air Transport Team in support of the corona virus pandemic for six months, completing sixty three flight hours, eight missions, and transferring eleven patients to a higher echelon of care. Moreover, Airman Garza was selected to augment staff at the Veterans Affairs medical center during the Covid-19 surge, managing thirty ventilated patients, and preventing the diversion of 135 patients. Finally, Senior Airman Garza's contributions were key to capturing the 2020 Etchberger Team of the Year Award, 2020 Hospital of the Year Award, and capturing her 2021 ACC Respiratory Care Practitioner of the Year awards. The distinctive accomplishments of Senior Airman Garza reflect credit upon herself and the United States Air Force.

Captain Jennifer Y. Gesmundo distinguished herself by meritorious service as a Surgical Services Element Chief, 51st Healthcare Operations Squadron, 51st Medical Group, 51st Fighter Wing, Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea. During this period, Captain Gesmundo led a 17-member surgical element and the Air Force's sole surgical service in Korea supporting the United States Air Force's most forward fighter wing in support of seven Air Force and 26 tenant units to safeguard 56,000 joint beneficiaries, which was vital to the group's 2022 Joint Commission accreditation. Additionally, Captain Gesmundo managed around the clock staff call, scheduled and coordinated 718 surgical cases, supported 3.6K clinic visits and 8.7K on-call hours across three Department of Defense hospitals, anchoring Joint service partnership with Army and 11 Host Nation facilities, and increasing access to care by 12 percent. Furthermore, Captain Gesmundo coordinated two surgery renovation projects and optimized space utilization for four offices, showcasing plans to the Defense Health Agency Director. Finally, Captain Gesmundo secured the Department of Defense benchmark as number one of 46 hospitals, leading Defense Health Agency's safety survey launch by analyzing 11 critical data sets. The distinctive accomplishments of Captain Gesmundo reflect credit upon herself and the United States Air Force.

Captain Kayleigh A. Marsolini distinguished herself by meritorious service as Physical Therapist, 380th Expeditionary Medical Squadron, 380th Air Expeditionary Wing, Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates in support of Operations ENDURING SENTINEL, SPARTAN SHIELD, and INHERENT RESOLVE. During this period, Captain Marsolini served as the sole Physical Therapist for over 2,000 total force service members where she provided exceptional care with the intent to keep the warfighter in the fight. With that thought in mind, she drove the Physical Therapy Outreach Program which was responsible for the delivery of on-site care to twenty-one flights across three services. Additionally, upon noticing a high prevalence of low back pain, she curated a benchmark exercise video program which was distributed to all bases in AFCENT. The culmination of her efforts resulted in over 1,000 encounters, saving 725 man hours, and summing $72,930 in services. Furthermore, her devotion to the development of others was evident as she led as Vice President for the Company Grade Officers Council where she emphasized partnerships across the Wing. Moreover, Captain Marsolini held multiple injury prevention and safe weight training briefings focused on targeting the number one cause of disability in service members. Finally, her undeniable work ethic earned her recognition by the AFCENT SG office and contributed to the Medical Operations Flight of the month award. The distinctive accomplishments of Captain Marsolini reflect credit upon herself and the United States Air Force.

Technical Sergeant Kyndra R. Basham distinguished herself in the performance of outstanding service to the United States as an Aerospace Service Medical Technician, 377th Operational Medicine Readiness Squadron, 377th Medical Group, 377th Air Base Wing, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. During this period, Sergeant Basham oversaw and managed clinical operations for four sections and provided acute care for more than 8,000 beneficiaries. Additionally, she guided the Periodic Health Examination Program where she completed 2,800 record reviews and enabled 1,300 flight examinations. Moreover, she performed as the Primary Care Manager for six Squadrons and streamlined the Physical Health Assessment process, ensuring an 87% medical readiness rate for her patients and facilitating medical deployment clearances for the most deployed Wing in the Air Force. Furthermore, Sergeant Basham's keen acumen lead to the timely identification of three medical emergencies, enabling and facilitating appropriate lifesaving measures. Finally, she provided unparalleled medical guidance to 67 medical personnel by serving as the Medical Director of the Group's largest clinical flight and was vital to the Medical Group's selection as the Best Hospital of the Year and the Air Force Hospital of the Year Award. The distinctive accomplishments of Technical Sergeant Basham reflect credit upon herself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Christopher J. McGuire distinguished himself by meritorious service as a Air Team Imagery Non-Commissioned Officer-in-Charge while assigned to the 51st Intelligence Squadron, 365th Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Group, Shaw AFB, South Carolina from 25 June 2020 to 3 February 2022. During this period, Sergeant McGuire advised 11 1N1 members, overseeing 804 data entries and quality checking 40 products to double production despite a 30 percent manning gap. Additionally, he managed the Geographic Intelligence Upgrade Training Program for 15 members, cutting the squadron Geographic Intelligence training timeline by 50%, enabling timely support to 117 flying units in the United States Central Command and securing Squadron Team of the Quarter. Furthermore, Sergeant McGuire created an online database to consolidate 47 tools into a central repository, saving 25 multi-Air Force Specialty Code Airmen 23 hours a quarter. Moreover, he led the revamp of the geographic targeting program with the 363rd Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing, validating strike response and increasing the lethality for 445 Joint Designated Points of Impact. Finally, Sergeant McGuire led 25 Airmen as Booster Club President, organizing seven events, raising $10k and bolstering morale for 111 squadron members. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant McGuire reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Quincy L. Briggs distinguished himself by outstanding achievement as Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Protocol, 35th Fighter Wing, Misawa Air Base, Japan. During this period, Sergeant Briggs flawlessly provided world-class service to over 120 Distinguished Visitors during fifteen Change of Commands, Assumption of Commands, de/activation ceremonies, Japanese Self Defense Forces, and Misawa City dignitaries, enabling leadership transition and showcasing of Air Force tradition and heritage. Additionally, he was instrumental in the direct coordination of one Headquarters Air Force, 3 Major Command, and 5 Numbered Air Forces visits, ensuring strategic level impact for the Misawa community to include, showcasing $4 million dollar modernization project to enhance the Quality of Life for ten thousand active-duty service members and families. Furthermore, he created new standards of procedures for Distinguished Visitors visits, training 302 Action Officers to execute flawless planning for visits, leading to procedures lauded as benchmark standard for Unites States Forces Japan. Finally, as a direct testament to his leadership and abilities he was coined for superior performance by Pacific Air Forces Deputy Commander, United States Forces Japan Commander, and Pacific Air Forces Command Chief. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Briggs reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Shea K. Taylor distinguished himself by outstanding achievement while assigned to the 60th Aerial Port Squadron, 60th Maintenance Group, 60th Air Mobility Wing from 6 March, 2018 to 15 March, 2022. During this period, Sergeant Taylor became the focal point of Inbound Cargo Operations, training over 40 Traffic Managers on the receipt process of over 13 Million assets. Additionally, he helped coordinate the swift movement of 960,000 rapid diagnostic tests, 100,000 N95 masks in what would be the first of many USAID Covid-19 relief missions to India. Furthermore, Sergeant Taylor represented the 60th Air Mobility Wing by leading the largest humanitarian relief in Air Force history during Operation Allied Refugee, enabling the movement of over 124,000 Afghans. Moreover, he demonstrated extraordinary logistics execution during the Ukraine Bunker operations, directing three 12 person teams, covering 24 hour operations, while ensuring secure and rapid response. His efforts empowered over, XXX vehicles, carrying XX rounds of ammunition, worth $$ Billion dollars. Finally, Sergeant Taylor's dedication and leadership garnered him 60th Aerial Port Squadrons Support Professional of the Quarter, 60th Maintenance Group's Support Professional of the Quarter, and 60th Aerial Port Squadron's Airmen of the Year. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Taylor reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Rhasheena Clairsaintmoore distinguished herself by meritorious service as a Healthcare Administrator, Family Medicine Residency Clinic, 96th Healthcare Operations Squadron, 96th Medical Group, 96th Test Wing, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. During this period, Sergeant Clairsaintmoore directly led a team of nine personnel, provided administrative support to 4 teams with 54 providers, 10 nurses and 14 medical technicians for 10,800 beneficiaries. Additionally, she accomplished a complete overhaul of the Tricare Online access by managing 48 physician schedules. This resulted in an increase to availability by 12 percent and overall appointment utilization by 126 percent, thus aiding the Medical Group's selection as the Air Force Medical Service s Hospital of the Year for 2021. Moreover, Sergeant Clairsaintmoore co-led the Coronavirus isolation clearance process improvement by uniting Public Health, the Commanders Action Group, and Family Health Clinic. Together their teams were able to clear 236 patients and decreased the spread of the virus in Florida Panhandle Market. Furthermore, she ensured Graduate Medical Education requirements were met for the Family Medicine Residency clinic by modifying and increasing the number of pediatric appointments templated in the clinic, increasing the access to care for pediatrics up to 2,700 appointments annually and generating 600,000 dollars in revenue. These distinctive accomplishments of Staff Sergeant Clairsaintmoore reflect great credit upon herself and the United States Air Force.

Technical Sergeant Timothy M. Johansen distinguished himself in the performance of outstanding service to the United States as the Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Emergency Department, 959th Inpatient Operations Squadron, 959th Medical Group, 59th Medical Wing, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. During this period, Sergeant Johansen trained 500 staff on COVID-19 procedures, guiding 702 specimen collections and base-wide quarantine algorithms. As an Emergency Medical Technician trainer, he validated 16 Tactical Combat Casualty Care instructors, saving 270,000 dollars in costs. Additionally, Sergeant Johansen drove the Continuing Medical Readiness Program by developing 42 qualifications for 303 medics, recouping 2.4 million dollars. Furthermore, he merged emergency medicine platforms, establishing a novel interoperability with 96 medics, maxing the Defense Health Agency market by 200 percent. Finally, Sergeant Johansen streamlined prehospital responses by rewriting 69 protocols, improving competencies for 76 bases and earning the Group Top 3 Leadership Award. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Johansen reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Jhonatan A. Gutierrez distinguished himself by meritorious service as Mental Health Journeyman, 633d Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, 633d Medical Group, 633d Air Base Wing, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia. During this period, Sergeant Gutierrez managed caseloads for 13 providers while ensuring continuity of care for 828 patients, pushing the Mental Health Flight's utilization rate to 35 percent, which was essential to the Medical Group's Air Force Outstanding Unit Award. Additionally, he led mental health deployment clearances, where he processed 769 deployers and enabled the 1st Fighter Wing's 72-hour rapid departure with no mission delays in support of Operation INHERENT RESOLVE. Furthermore, he served on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Response Team, where he facilitated a national mass surveillance rollout and screened 500 active duty members, which led to the Military Treatment Facility's Air Combat Command Hospital of the Year award. Finally, he collaborated with Air Force Special Operations Command aircrew behavioral health doctors, where he administered and scored 266 psychological tests for 115 personnel, which resulted in the selection of 13 Air Liaison Officers. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Gutierrez reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Specialist Cathrinearyanna M. Harvey distinguished herself by exceptional meritorious service while assigned as a laboratory animal technician to the 81st Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutics Squadron, Keesler Air Force Base from December 2019 to December 2021. During this period, her efforts were critical to the successful completion of 163 training labs across 20 animal use protocols, advancing the education of 2,226 military medical care providers and contributing to improved clinical outcomes of the warfighter. Her contributions as a certified Assistant Lab Animal Technician and voting member of the Institute Animal Care and Use Committee aided in continued accreditation of research and accomplishment of mission. The distinctive accomplishments of Specialist Harvey while serving her country reflect credit upon herself, the United States Army and the United States Air Force.

Technical Sergeant Mark Doran distinguished himself by meritorious service while assigned to the 6th Communications Squadron, 6th Mission Support Group, 6 Air Refueling Wing, MacDill AFB, Florida. During this period, the professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Technical Sergeant Doran contributed to the effectiveness and success of Joint Task Force-Bravo mission. Through his leadership, his team flawlessly programmed and installed circuit cards which enabled counter drug operations and the confiscation of 2 billion dollars. Technical Sergeant Doran resolved a Defense Health Agency network outage supporting 312 thousand patients and was a key member for the Air Mobility Command's Best Large Communication Squadron of 2018. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Doran reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Captain Raymond Nomel distinguished himself by meritorious service as critical care nurse while assigned to the Intensive Care Flight, 633d Inpatient Operations Squadron, 633d Medical Group, 633d Air Base Wing, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia. During this period, Captain Nomel served as a clinical nurse caring for critically ill patients in the Tidewater Enhanced Multi-Service Market, supporting 36.5K beneficiaries and a 257K joint-force population. As charge nurse on a 6-bed intensive care unit, he led 8 staff members and directed care, valued at $350K, for 70 critical patients. A multi-talented clinician, he coordinated 480 hours bed management, for 864 patients, across four inpatient units, which resulted in a 54 percent increase in the Intensive Care Unit occupancy and $1.5M recuperation in obstetrics care. The distinctive accomplishments of Captain Nomel reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Senior Master Sergeant Russell T. Brashars


29 DECEMBER 2009 TO 5 JULY 2013

Senior Master Sergeant Russell T. Brashars distinguished himself in the performance of outstanding service to the United States as Superintendent, Utilities, 556th RED HORSE Squadron, Hurlburt Field, Florida. During this period, the extensive knowledge of the utilities and construction field, professionalism, and leadership abilities of Sergeant Brashars directly contributed to the successful operations of the Utilities shop. While deployed to the United States Air Force Academy, for a Troop Training Project, he led a team of thirty, multi-skilled craftsmen and built an eight thousand five hundred and forty square foot K-span structure. Sergeant Brashars negotiated sixty five plus mile per hour winds and erected two hundred forty linear feet of steel arches. Construction was completed within two weeks. Anticipating weather delays, Sergeant Brashars identified and listed three hundred thousand dollars of material for water, sewer, and gas systems, to be delivered on time, cutting strict construction timelines by seven days. Additionally, Sergeant Brashars deployed to Gallup, New Mexico in support of OPERATION Footprint. He led a team of eight craftsmen and oversaw construction of three, 800 square feet, five room houses for underprivileged Native Americans. Furthermore, Sergeant Brashars assisted the Joint Base Langley utility shop with relocating ninety six linear feet of a main water line, utilizing expert multi-craft aid and reduced job completion time by 33%. Finally, his broad background facilitated preparing thirty three environmental control units for the squadron’s Organizational Readiness Exercise. All units were in place within seventy two hours of tasking. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Senior Master Sergeant Brashars culminate a long and distinguished career in the service of his country and reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Major Janice M. Pecua distinguished herself by meritorious service as critical care nurse while assigned to the Intensive Care Unit, 673d MDG, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AK. During this period, Major Pecua served as a clinical nurse caring for critically ill patients in PACAF's largest intensive care unit supporting 166K beneficiaries. She was instrumental to the ABW Air Force Outstanding Unit Award 2011 as the MDG Standardization Chair and Medical Materiel Enterprise Standardization Office representative. Major Pecua coordinated evaluations of 24 medical supplies with 38 inpatient units and clinics, directed local implementation of 16 Incentive Agreements which saved the Department of Defense $9.8M. In addition, she led the revision of 16 outdated Operational Instructions which factored in the "Excellent" Air base Wing Consolidated Unit Inspection rating. The distinctive accomplishments of Major Pecua reflect great credit upon herself and the United States Air Force.

During this period, the outstanding professional skill, dedication, and ceaseless efforts of Sergeant XXXX resulted in the performance of exceptional aircraft maintenance functions at home station and abroad in support of Air Force world-wide tasking. During remote split operations at the Southern Airport, Sergeant XXXX’s efforts supporting the Formal Training Unit resulted in 189 combat ready Remotely Piloted Aircraft aircrew members trained with over 482 successful sorties flown. As an expert troubleshooter, Sergeant XXXX discovered and corrected chronic Rotax engine failures replacing multiple oil level sensors eliminating potential catastrophic aircraft engine failures in flight. Serving as the flight level training manager, Sergeant XXXX proactively managed extensive training programs leading to 84 skill level upgrades for multiple units strengthening Air National Guard multi-state partnerships while increasing global mission effectiveness. As a top tier performer, he was hand-picked to deploy to Camp XXXXX, XXXX in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. While deployed, Sergeant XXXX’s launch and recovery experience directly led to the timely execution of over 1000 maintenance events that supported 168 Predator combat sorties. These sorties provided over 3000 hours of full motion video that facilitated the elimination of eight known high level enemy targets. At this austere location, he volunteered to assist in a General Officer directed MQ-9 Reaper mission request executing the Combined Joint Task Force operation in less than eight days. His contributions led to 85 combat sorties flown eliminating an Al-Qaeda Regional Commander. The outstanding contributions of Sergeant XXXX in a demanding mission support role reflect credit upon himself, the Air National Guard, and the United States Air Force.

During this period, the outstanding professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Sergeant Holman resulted in major contributions to the effectiveness and success of Air Force Predator Remote Split Operations sortie generation. Sergeant Holman's timely execution of over 2400 Ground Control Station maintenance actions contributed to 714 successful Predator contingency sorties, 13,000 flying hours, 17 Hellfire missile strikes, and multiple Al-Qaeda and Taliban high level targets eliminated. During an in-flight Formal Training Unit operation, Sergeant Holman identified and corrected an aircraft data-link fault avoiding a catastrophic loss of a 4.2 million dollar war-fighting asset. As a lead trainer, Sergeant Holman demonstrated outstanding professional skill and technical training abilities while instructing a 16 member team on complex communication systems leading to an astounding one percent aircraft downtime due to maintenance discrepancies. Sergeant Holman's eye for innovation also led to the development of the first Ground Control Station volume control system vastly improving Predator ground communication transmissions. During a base-wide fiber optic installation project, his leadership and technical assistance were instrumental in enhancing Predator file transfer reliability rates improving overall Formal Training Unit mission capabilities. In addition, Sergeant Holman’s research and repair of a major ARC-210 radio configuration deficiency facilitated the on-time graduation of 189 combat ready Predator flight crews. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Holman reflect credit upon himself, the Air National Guard, and the United States Air Force.

During this period, the outstanding professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Sergeant Lacasella resulted in major contributions to the effectiveness and success of worldwide Air Force Predator Operations. As a Cyber Communications Systems Specialist, Sergeant Lacasella utilized his experience and expertise to maintain two complex Ground Control Stations facilitating 2,116 critical Air Force Central Command Remotely Piloted Aircraft combat sorties. His timely execution of over 2400 Ground Control Station maintenance actions provided combatant commanders with valuable Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance information to forward deployed coalition ground forces. His direct efforts aided in the elimination of multiple high-level Al-Qaeda and Taliban targets in the Area of Responsibility. During Remote Split Operations, Sergeant Lacasella’s technical range and adept coordination abilities facilitated the establishment of the first Air National Guard’s Satellite Communications Earth Terminal Substation. This dynamic system vastly improved satellite communication reliability rates delivering over 189 mission-ready MQ1-B Predator air crews, 743 training sorties, and 4,450 flying hours in support of Formal Training Unit operations. His dedication to maintenance and mission excellence contributed to the direct success of real-world contingency operations such as Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, ENDURING FREEDOM, and NEW DAWN.

Staff Sergeant Adam S. Harbold distinguished himself by meritorious service as Enlisted Aide to the Commander, United States Forces Japan, Fifth Air Force, Yokota Air Base, Japan. During this period, Sergeant Harbold expertly planned, prepared and coordinated 34 events and meals supporting the Commander's military and social obligations to include United States Ambassadors, two four-star generals, the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force and numerous Senior Japanese Self Defense Force leaders, bolstering United States-Japanese relations. His outstanding organizational skill was key during Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff and United States Air Force Chief of Staff visits with Ministry of Defense and was lauded by highest levels of both governments. Additionally, he expertly managed the 5,470 square feet General Officer Quarters, masterfully executed $35,000 General Officer Housing budget and streamlined the process on two renovation projects with $13,000 in cost savings. His attention to detail identified and corrected a $22,000 inventory control error ensuring accountability of 552 undocumented Special Command Position items. Finally, he facilitated reception of the Joint Support Staff for Operation TOMODACHI and the Commander of United States Pacific Command throughout the humanitarian assistance and disaster relief events. Sergeant Harbold’s unwavering dedication to duty was key in preparing the Commander of United States Forces Japan and Joint Support Forces to meet Operation TOMODACHI leadership challenges, serve as the commander's right hand and play a vital role in Japan's recovery efforts. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Harbold reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Ernest Klimek III distinguished himself by meritorious service as Missile Facility Specialist, Power Production Section, Shops Maintenance Branch, 90th Field Missile Maintenance Squadron, 90th Strategic Missile Wing, Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming from 26 May 1976 to 10 September 1979. During this period Sergeant Klimek's in-depth knowledge of the theory and operation of various electrical systems, outstanding professional skill, initiative and positive attitude toward his duties have aided immeasurable in mission support. His suggestions for the improvement of the payload transporter hoist system are of special significance. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Klimek reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Senior Airman David M. Simcox distinguished himself by meritorious service as an Aircraft Maintenance Specialist and Dual Rail Mechanic, 435th Organizational Maintenance Squadron, Rhein-Main Air Base, Germany, from 5 November 1977 to 2 November 1979. His attention to detail and professionalism have resulted in improved maintenance standards and an increase in launch reliability. Airman Simcox' versatility, superior maintenance knowledge and outstanding attitude have been key factors in the success of the 435th Tactical Airlift Wing. The distinctive accomplishments of Airman Simcox reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Brock W. Garrison distinguished himself by meritorious service as Special Air Missions Flying Crew Chief, 89th Maintenance Group, 89th Airlift Wing, Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. During this period, Sergeant Garrison communicated innumerable security measures for Pope Benedict XVI's first United States meeting with President George W. Bush, marking the first United States papal visit since 1995. Secondly, he voluntarily deployed 278 days with the United States Army in support of operation ENDURING FREEDOM, engaging in over 139 combat missions, reacting to 115 improvised explosive devices, reducing un-exploded ordinance, repairing 10 radios within the Tactical Operations Center eliminating outages, conducted 22 no notice special operations checks with the Afghan national police stifling Taliban activities, and delivering 200,000 dollars of humanitarian aid to Afghan villages. Finally, he managed total implementation of security with 10 base agencies without incident during the Nuclear Safety Summit, guaranteeing the safety of the largest gathering of world leaders since 1947. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Garrison reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Technical Sergeant Dennis M. Wright distinguished himself by meritorious service while assigned to the 86th Aerial Port Squadron, McChord Air Force Base, Washington. During this period, Sergeant Wright performed his duties in an outstanding manner enabling over 200 Aerial Port personnel to fully perform their worldwide mission. As the Flightline Security Manager and Materials Handling Equipment monitor, he provided detailed training, licensing, and review of key operational readiness requirements for his squadron. Singlehandedly, Sergeant Wright developed an aircraft loader course with scenarios specifically tailored to meet the aerial port needs at deployed locations throughout the world. Furthermore, his expertise in operating Army mission essential vehicles during aircraft downloads significantly strengthened the unit training program and improved the unit's wartime readiness. While on annual tour at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, Sergeant Wright served as a load team chief where the team safely loaded and offloaded 1,119 tons of cargo on 133 various types of cargo aircraft with zero safety mishaps. His team's efforts ensured 100 percent on-time takeoffs, far exceeding Air Mobility Command's expectations. Finally, at Joint Base Balad, Iraq, in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, Sergeant Wright contributed to the expeditious movement of 44,000 short tons of cargo on 6,400 missions throughout the region with an impressive 99 percent on-time aircraft departure rate. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Wright reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Senior Airman George A. Little distinguished himself by outstanding achievement as deployed Life Support element, 30th Special Operations Squadron, 437th Special Operations Wing, Joint Special Operations Air Component, Special Operations Command from 12 Feb 2002 to 25 April 2002. During this period, Airman Little served as the deployed Account Custodian responsible for over 600,000 dollars in critical life support equipment and was responsible for maintaining life support equipment for 27 aircrews, 6 special operation teams, and 7 MH-53 Pave Low helicopters. His attention to detail ensured all combat flight crews had the appropriate radios with working secure frequencies and codes enabling 100% on-time launch of alert and scheduled airframes. His efforts were responsible for the successful accomplishment of over 120 sorties, amassing over 200 combat hours while simultaneously providing 100 percent reliable life support provisioning. His rapid response to six last minute equipment problems prevented delays and enabled the MH-53 aircrews to log a 100 percent alert response rate. Airman Little also volunteered for key additional duties as flightline security, alert driver, and concealed weapons monitor. His dedication to the morale, welfare, and safety of his extended family of 220 unit personnel supported a solid mission focus and were recognized by the Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel he served and protected. The distinctive accomplishments of Airman Little reflect credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Air Force.

Master Sergeant David M. Smith distinguished himself by meritorious service as Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Satellite Systems, 6th Communications Squadron, 6th Fighter Wing, MacDill Air Base, Florida. During this period, Sergeant Smith's decisive leadership proved invaluable to MacDill's satellite terminal operations. He skillfully constructed a comprehensive communications package for the Joint Staff Director of Communications and European Command Chief of Staff. This critical reach-back capability in support of Task Force FALCON was instrumental in the insertion of ground forces into Kosovo. Sergeant Smith Smith provided vital oversight in Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Systems for the development of the European Command Communications Annex, which served as a blueprint for supporting ground mobile forces during Operation JOINT GUARDIAN. His expert management and training of 30 technicians spurred a 25% increase in productivity. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Smith reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Staff Sergeant Crystal A. Smith distinguished herself by meritorious service as Supply NCOIC, Dental Clinic #1, 35th Medical Squadron, 35th Medical Wing, Yokota Air Base Japan. During this period, the professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Sergeant Smith contributed to the effectiveness and success of Dental Clinic #1. She provided critical technical support to the organization by timely management of expenditures in excess of $800,000. Sergeant Smith's contributions serve as a sterling example of the effective and judicious use of organizational funds and resulted in continuous pro-active solutions ensuring the availability of non-expendable, durable and expendable supplies and equipment. Her actions produced a zero balance of all funds prior to the Air Force mandated fiscal year closeout and ensured the continued success of the mission. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Smith reflect credit upon herself and the United States Air Force.

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