Technical Sergeant April J. Brown distinguished herself by meritorious service as Vehicle Management Foreman, 321st Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron, 321st Air Expeditionary Advisory Group, 321st Air Expeditionary Wing, Kirkuk Regional Air Base, Iraq from XXXXXX XXXXXX to XXXXXX XXXXXX. During this period, in direct support of Operation NEW DAWN, Sergeant Brown led 14 Airmen in the maintenance of 162 vehicles worth 15 million dollars, achieving a consistent ninety-five percent mission capable rate and exceeding the Air Force goal by five percent. Additionally, she managed the movement of nine Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles worth nine million dollars to the centralized receiving and shipping point for forward deployment, beating the Air Force Central Command shipping date by six days and ensuring vital and timely support for the War on Terror. Further, Sergeant Brown distributed over 2,000 parts to the Army Special Forces, sustaining one of only two Advanced Operational Bases in Iraq and thirty reconnaissance missions, saving 250,000 dollars. Finally, she led a three-person team providing logistical support for the Tops in Blues tour. She synchronized the transportation and movement of 39 personnel and six pallets of equipment, ensuring the show's success and improving morale. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Brown reflect great credit upon herself, the 321st Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron, and the United States Air Force.
Master Sergeant Charles D. Palmer distinguished himself in the performance of outstanding service to the United States as Vehicle Management Superintendent, Vehicle Management Flight, 35th Logistics Readiness Squadron, 35th Mission Support Group, 35th Fighter Wing, Misawa Air Base, Japan from XXXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXXX. During this period, Sergeant Palmer supported over a thousand vehicle fleet maintenance plans, sustaining an 88 percent mission capable rate despite having only 33 percent funding, directly contributing to the 35th Logistics Readiness Squadron wining the 2013 PACAF Daedalian Award. Over his three year tenure, he sustained the 35th Fighter Wing's vehicle fleet and maintained an impressive 90 percent mission capable rate. Additionally, Sergeant Palmer was a crucial link between the vehicles of the 35th Fighter Wing, the Naval Air Facility Misawa, and the U.S. Army. He salvaged 38 excess vehicles across the three branches, cutting the annual scheduled maintenance charges by 25,000 dollars. Further, as the Vehicle Management Superintendant, he was instrumental in the success of the 2012 PACAF ESOHCAMP evaluation. Sergeant Palmer was responsible for 159 focus areas and a HAZMAT program which exceeded requirements with zero findings. Finally, Sergeant Palmer's leadership in moving more than 150 inches of continuous snowfall led to the 35th Civil Engineering Squadron winning the 2012 PACAF Curtin Award. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Palmer reflect credit upon himself, the 35th Logistics Readiness Squadron, and the United States Air Force.
Airman First Class Michael C. Hovey distinguished himself by outstanding achievement as Vehicle Operations Apprentice, 37th Logistics Readiness Squadron, 37th Mission Support Group, 37th Training Wing, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, from XXXX XXXXXX to XXXX XXXXXXX. During this period, Airman Hovey maintained and operated a variety of flight-assigned vehicles valued at more than five million dollars. By optimizing load plans and synchronizing scheduling, he delivered three million dollars in aircraft computer systems three weeks ahead of schedule and significantly increased air power capability. Moreover, he overcame a lack of resources to deliver over 1,000 M-16 rifles for shipment to the AOR, improving war readiness. Additionally, due to his reliability and professionalism, he was selected to provide protocol support for over 70 Distinguished Visitors. He was also chosen to chauffer general officer dignitaries on tours of Lackland Air Force Base to observe basic training techniques and parades, earning praise from senior Wing leadership. Finally, Airman Hovey was selected to provide transportation for civilian media during the Secretary of Defense visit, in observance of the Air Force's combat role and to honor wounded soldiers. The distinctive accomplishments of Airman Hovey reflect great credit upon himself, the 37th Logistics Readiness Squadron, and the United States Air Force.
Master Sergeant Jeffery C. Wagner distinguished himself by meritorious service as the Vehicle Operations Superintendent while assigned to the 316th Logistics Readiness Squadron, 316th Mission Support Group, 316th Wing, Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. During this period, Sergeant Wagner was the mastermind behind the 2,236,000 dollars funding 1,470 bus contracts for the 2005 thru 2009 Joint Service Open Houses, which enabled the seamless movement of 1,076,000 spectators. Futhermore, Sergeant Wagner managed superior protocol transportation, supporting 4,020 visiting general officers and distinguished visitors attending critical engagements within the National Capital Region. Additionally, Sergeant Wagner engineered transportation support for key national events to include President Reagan's Funeral, Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Air Force's retirements, along with the 55th 2005 POTUS Inauguration. Finally, he augmented Headquarters Air Mobility Command Inspector General's inspection team where he inspected two Air National Guard Vehicle Operations Flights ensuring Total Force Readiness. This singularly distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Wagner reflect great credit upon himself, the 316th Logistics Readiness Squadron and the United States Air Force.