See also: Navy Paralegal Awards
See also: Army Paralegal Awards
Technical Sergeant Michael E. Blanton distinguished himself by meritorious service as Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Military Justice, 14th Flying Training Wing, Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi. As the Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Sergeant Blanton led military justice actions for more than 3,000 base personnel, including 19 group and squadron commanders. He was integral in the establishment of the Wing's first DUI prevention plan, 434-RIDE, resulting in 30 lives and careers being saved. Additionally, Sergeant Blanton ensured more than 50 senior leaders were trained on the landmark Department of Defense Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010. Furthermore, his dedication and commitment were key to the Legal Office receiving an Excellent rating during the 2012 Unit Compliance Inspection. Finally, following an in-flight aircraft emergency, Sergeant Blanton was coined by the Air Education and Training Command Staff Judge Advocate for superior military bearing and committment to duty and was selected as the Wing's Noncommissoned Officer of the Quarter and the Legal Office Noncommissioned Officer of the Year for 2012. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Blanton reflect credit upon himself, the 14th Flying Training Wing and the United States Air Force.
Staff Sergeant William D Hugel distinguished himself by meritorious service while serving as Civil Law and Military Justice Paralegal, 18th Wing Legal Office, 18th Wing, Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan. During this period, Sergeant Hugel oversaw PACAF'S largest discharge program, with his keen attention to detail delivering numerous error free packages while reducing processing time by fifteen percent. Additionally, Sergeant Hugel authored opinions on four sexual assault legal reviews, multiple Barment and Driving revocations, and processed over one hundred Non-Judicial punishment actions for O-6 or higher approval. Furthermore, he produced nine error free records of trial and the first one hundred percent General Courts-Martial in nine years, contributing to a UEI rating of Excellent. Finally, due to his administrative talent, Sergeant Hugel was trusted with authoring multiple legal reviews for Wing Commander authorization, claims adjudication, fundraising requests, notaries, and power of attorney, resulting in a savings of 90,000 dollars for military personnel. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Hugel reflect great credit upon himself, the 18th Wing Legal Office and the United States Air Force.
Senior Master Sergeant Heidi M. Yanney distinguished herself by meritorious service as Legal Office Superintendent, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, 162nd Fighter Wing, Morris Air National Guard Base, Arizona from XXXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXXX. During this period, Sergeant Yanney's selfless leadership ensured that over 1,700 members of the largest Air National Guard Fighter Wing in the nation remained ready to answer the call of duty. In addition, she was selected as the Air National Guard Senior Paralegal Manager for the Air Force Judge Advocate General School. In this important position, Sergeant Yanney shaped the training needs of Air National Guard Paralegals worldwide by creating a database to track the real-time training requirements of 170 Paralegals located in over one hundred geographically separated units. Moreover, she was selected to serve on the Judge Advocate General's Air National Guard Council where she acted as principal advisor to the Air National Guard Assistant to The Judge Advocate General of the United States Air Force. Lastly, Sergeant Yanney volunteered for and filled several critical 162nd Fighter Wing Headquarters positions such as Installation Voting Assistance Officer, Headquarters Resource Advisor, and Self-Inspection Monitor. The distinctive accomplishments of Senior Master Sergeant Yanney reflect great credit upon herself, the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate and the United States Air Force.
Airman First Class Michael N. Wixom distinguished himself by meritorious service while assigned as a Military Justice Paralegal, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, 31st Fighter Wing, Aviano Air Base, Italy, from XXXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXX. During this period, Airman Wixom interviewed 634 customers, drafted over 350 legal documents, and notarized 389 Powers of Attorney saving members of the Aviano community an unprecedented 23,000 dollars in legal fees. Additionally, Airman Wixom provided a crucial Law of Armed Conflict and Rules of Engagement brief to over 100 deploying Airmen, increasing their confidence and ability to prosecute their duties. Moreover, Airman Wixom's dedication to duty was evident as he efficiently processed 90 percent of the base's 88 Article 15 actions within the required twenty day period. Finally, as a Physical Training leader, Airman Wixom conducted over 40 physical training assessments for the 31st Fighter Wing Staff Agencies while simultaneously leading the fitness program for the Legal Office, resulting in a 100 percent pass rate. The distinctive accomplishments of Airmen First Class Wixom reflect credit upon himself, the 31st Fighter Wing, and the United States Air Force.
Staff Sergeant Justin K. Sindelar distinguished himself by meritorious service while assigned as a Military Justice Paralegal, Legal Office, 7th Bomb Wing, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas from XXXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXXX. During this period, the outstanding professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Sergeant Sindelar contributed to the effectiveness and success of the 7th Bomb Wing Legal Office Mission. He managed the Dyess Air Force Base Article 15 program, processing over 70 Article 15 cases, completing 100% of all actions in accordance with or exceeding Air Combat Command and Air Force standards. In addition, Sergeant Sindelar developed and implemented a tracking log to aid the Joint Acquisition Review Board Commander in accurately tracking all Emergency Review packages valued at more than one million dollars, reducing delinquencies by 30 percent. Finally, as a military justice paralegal, Sergeant Sindelar processed a complex, short-notice Summary turned Special courts-martial case seamlessly, his efforts contributing to an airtight and thoroughly documented conviction. The distinctive accomplishments of Staff Sergeant Sindelar reflect credit upon himself, the 7th Bomb Wing and the United States Air Force.
Colonel Jeremy N. Guy distinguished himself in the performance of outstanding service to the Unites States as the Missouri Air National Guard State Judge Advocate, Joint Force Headquarters - Missouri National Guard, Jefferson City, Missouri from 13 September 2013 to 11 August 2018. During this period, Colonel Guy provided expert legal advice to Senior Staff during the reorganization of the 157th Air Operations Group and the 131st Bomb Wing. This complex action required a detailed understanding of the Local, State, and Federal laws for the accurate delineation of operational and administrative authority exercised by these units. Colonel Guy’s expert legal knowledge, extensive experience, and sound advice was instrumental in the successful execution of this effort. Additionally, Colonel Guy contributed to the design and implementation of a new Line of Duty process requested by the Assistant Adjutant General of the State of Missouri, reducing Line of Duty processing time by over fifty percent while retaining fairness. Finally, Colonel Guy was instrumental in recruiting the first ever Defense Counsel for the Missouri National Guard, providing the Deputy Judge Advocate General with a first of its kind capability for the State of Missouri. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Colonel Guy reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.