Senior Airman Daniel L Peveto distinguished himself by outstanding achievement while serving as Tactical Air Control Party Journeyman, 7th Air Support Operations Squadron (ASOS), 3d Air Support Operations Group, Fort Bliss, Texas. During this period, Airman Peveto assisted the squadron's Joint Terminal Attack Controllers in advising ground commanders and U.S. Army Division command staff on close air support integration, planning, and execution. Surpassing expectations, he aided in the division level field exercise, IRON FOCUS, by providing the crucial equipment accountability and logistical planning needed to prepare squadron members for the upcoming deployment. In addition, Airman Peveto organized the opposing forces for Exercise JADED THUNDER, integrating squadron members with Army Special Operations Forces to provide realistic and challenging training. Finally, as a combat mission readiness trainer, he provided instruction that successfully led to the qualification and upgrade of 20 Tactical Air Control Party Airmen and four Air Liaison Officers. The distinctive accomplishments of Airman Peveto reflect credit upon himself, the 7th Air Support Operations Squadron, and the United States Air Force.
Staff Sergeant Dashun Wingfield distinguished himself by meritorious service while serving as NCOIC and Joint Terminal Attack Controller, Detachment 1, 4th Air Support Operations Squadron, 4th Air Support Operation Group, Baumholder Army Installation, Germany from XXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXX. During this period, Staff Sergeant Wingfield trained and qualified 13 U.S. Army Joint Fires Observer candidates on Close Air Support tactics, techniques, and procedures, which reduced formal school graduation failures to zero. Additionally, Sergeant Wingfield integrated over 100 training requirements in support of more than 300 personnel from 14 partner nations engaged in pre-deployment training for Afghanistan and provided insightful analysis in a series of After Action Reports that identified exercise strengths and weaknesses. Finally, Sergeant Wingfield's dedication to the planning and execution of two NATO Close Air Support exercises in France led to 13 successful evaluations, 34 currency controls, and over 400 missions flown. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Wingfield reflect great credit upon himself, the 4th Air Support Operations Squadron and the United States Air Force.
Technical Sergeant Andrew R. Lokrantz distinguished himself by meritorious service while assigned as Scheduling Noncommissioned Officer in Charge and as a Joint Terminal Attack Controller-Instructor, 9th Air Support Operations Squadron, 3d Air Support Operations Group, Fort Hood Army Installation, Texas from ---------- to ----------. During this period, as Scheduling Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Sergeant Lokrantz's relentless focus and attention to detail facilitated the execution of over 200 unit training events. In addition, as a team leader during Exercise ATLANTIC STRIKE, Sergeant Lokrantz served as an instructor and operator while field testing the Small Wearable Computer-Close Air Support System and seamlessly integrated digital close air support into Joint Terminal Attack Controller training. Moreover, Sergeant Lokrantz served as the squadron armorer where he inventoried and maintained 200 weapons and components, providing 88 squadron Airmen the capability to engage the enemy in close combat. Finally, he was certified as a Self Aid and Buddy Care Instructor, providing critical lifesaving instruction to support Airmen while deployed and at home station. The distinctive accomplishments of Technical Sergeant Lokrantz reflect credit upon himself, the 9th Air Support Operations Squadron, and the United States Air Force.
Technical Sergeant David J. Sutton distinguished himself by outstanding achievement while deployed to Camp Victory Iraq, supporting the 368th Expeditionary Air Support Operations Group as a Ground Track Manager from 20 February 2011 to 28 September 2011. During this period, the professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Sergeant Sutton contributed to the effectiveness and success of passing digital location points from the Joint Tactical Air Controllers to fighter aircraft during six Troops in Contact events. This crucial information provided pilots with precise data in a time critical situation supporting ground troops, saving the lives of those in contact with enemy forces. Additionally, Sergeant Sutton traveled to two undisclosed Forward Operating Bases while deployed to Iraq to conduct Military Rugged Tablet training with six newly assigned Joint Tactical Air Controllers. The training provided instructions on how to use the Military Rugged Tablet, procedures for loading maps, and the required steps for operators to enter the network, all of which are essential in order to pass timely and accurate information from Joint Tactical Air Controllers to fighter pilots. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Sutton reflect credit upon himself, the 112th Air Operations Squadron and the United States Air Force.