Master Sergeant Joseph M. Hostler distinguished himself by outstanding achievement as Fire Emergency Services Assistant Chief of Operations, 169th Civil Engineer Squadron, McEntire Joint National Guard Base. During this period, the outstanding professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Master Sergeant Hostler resulted in significant contributions to the effectiveness and success of the Air Force Fire Protection pipeline. Sergeant Hostler instructed and mentored hundreds of Fire Protection apprentices, journeymen, and craftsmen in aircraft and structural firefighting, hazardous materials and confined space incidents and medical emergencies. Furthermore, Sergeant Hostler deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom to Balad and Sather Air Bases providing fire department emergency and medical services to over 11,000 personnel while safeguarding 3.7 billion dollars in military assets. During his deployments to Muwaffaq Shaheed Air Base in Jordan and Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, Sergeant Hostler organized over 110 hours of aircraft rescue training with Qatari and Jordanian firefighters, cementing coalition interoperability and protected 1.26 billion dollars in aircraft, supporting over 500 combat sorties. Finally, his ability to instill relevant and solution-focused leadership attributes to enhance military operations was instrumental in his selection for the base level 2016 Senior Non-Commissioned Officer of the year. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Hostler reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
Technical Sergeant Aleister Crowley distinguished himself by outstanding achievement as Fire Protection Station Captain, 447th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, 447th Air Expeditionary Group, 321st Air Expeditionary Wing, Sather Air Base, Iraq. In this position and in direct support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, Sergeant Crowley managed daily fire protection operations, protecting over 1,200 base personnel, 104,000 transient passengers and one billion dollars in aircraft and support equipment, at the busiest mobility hub in the Iraqi theater. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in developing the first-ever joint Iraqi fire fighting training initiative, creating a partnership between three fire departments from the Iraqi Air Force, Army, and International Airport Authority and providing increased fire protection for Victory Base Complex. Sergeant Crowley also performed over 100 facility inspections, correcting over 90 discrepancies on the spot, facilitating safe and reliable living and working environments and reducing reported fires by 30 percent. Finally, Sergeant Crowley volunteered over 40 hours to the Army Combat Support Hospital emergency room, enhancing coalition troop morale and Iraqi relations. The distinguished accomplishments of Sergeant Crowley reflect credit upon himself, the 321st Air Expeditionary Wing and the United States Air Force.
Senior Airman Brandon D. Taylor distinguished himself by outstanding achievement as Firefighter, 127th Civil Engineer Squadron, 127th Mission Support Group, Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Michigan from XXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXX. While deployed to Southwest Asia in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM and under constant threat of enemy attacks, Senior Airman Taylor operated and maintained $5.5 million in fire protection assets, reducing replacement costs by 75 percent. His relentless dedication secured fire protection and security for 4,200 airlift missions, carrying 113,000 passengers and 44,000 tons of cargo through one of the most critical pieces of real estate in the War on Terror. He responded to numerous in-flight emergencies on U.S. and Coalition aircraft protecting and preventing damage to $300 million in assets. Airman Taylor demonstrated a relentless "can do" attitude and completed four extensive Fire Protection Career Development Courses while pursuing his Associates degree in Fire Science. In addition, he assisted junior Airmen with the completion of Fire Department Career Development Courses ensuring upward mobility and worldwide deployable readiness of newly assigned firefighters. The distinguished accomplishments of Senior Airman Taylor reflect credit upon himself, the 127th Civil Engineer Squadron, and the United States Air Force.
Senior Airman Jon R. Larkin distinguished himself by meritorious service as Fire Protection Journeyman, 27th Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron, 27th Special Operations Wing, Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico from XXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXX. During this period, Airman Larkins' extraordinary fire and rescue skills played a key role in mitigating over 40 base and local community emergency calls. Additionally, he responded to a kitchen fire in base housing where his immediate actions were vital to the rapid extinguishment of the fire and limited damage to only one side, saving the Air Force over 150,000 dollars. Furthermore, he was influential in the Air Force Research Lab's testing of Ultra High Pressure technology. During these tests, over twenty iterations of wilderness fire scenarios were conducted in order to validate and integrate the technical advancements in fire science. Finally, Airman Larkin's dedication to duty was evident as he obtained his Emergency Medical Technician Basic certification. The distinctive accomplishments of Airman Larkin reflect credit upon himself, the 27th Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron and the United States Air Force.
Master Sergeant David M. Dunn distinguished himself by meritorious service while serving as Deputy Fire Chief, 435th Civil Engineer Squadron, 435th Civil Engineer Group, 435th Air Base Wing, Ramstein Air Base, Germany from XXXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXXX. During this period, Sergeant Dunn developed and implemented the flight's successful occupational fire fighter safety and health program. His effective leadership ensured strict compliance of over five-hundred line items spanning 20 programs and equipment items valued at $20 million dollars. In addition, during the Unit Compliance Inspection, Sergeant Dunn oversaw 48 flight management programs that tracked more than one hundred Unit Compliance checklist items. His meticulous attention to detail resulted in a detailed file plan that provided one central source for inspectors to review and validate all essential action items. Moreover, his exceptional efforts contributed to the 435th Civil Engineer Squadron and 435th Civil Engineer Group earning an "Excellent" rating from the Inspector General. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Dunn reflect great credit upon himself, the 435th Civil Engineer Squadron, and the United States Air Force.
Master Sergeant Gerard Banayad distinguished himself by outstanding achievement while assigned to the 944th Civil Engineer Squadron, Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. During this period, Sergeant Banayad developed a flawless plan for demonstration and first-aid that assisted approximately 275,000 visitors attending the annual Air Show. He also contributed to the fire station assuming the role of medical triage and emergency hub for medical responders, which facilitated the treatment of more than 50 patients during the 2-day event. In addition, due to foresight and preparation, Sergeant Banayad quickly efficiently extinguished a hydraulic fire on an F-16 aircraft, salvaging the aircraft with zero injuries. Further, while deployed to Kirkuk, Air Base in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Sergeant Banayad authored and established the first ever base fire protection and fire prevention operation instruction. As a prevention chief, he conducted 17 fire investigations that led to the development and creation of a comprehensive and detailed reporting system that would analyze and track risk assessment for the base. Finally, Sergeant Banayad prepared and executed training for 300 Iraqi fire fighters in the region, providing a solid foundation for a professional relationship with the Iraqi fire department. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Banayad reflect great credit upon himself, the 944th Civil Engineer Squadron and the United States Air Force.