See also: Visitor Control Center Awards
Staff Sergeant Leonard A. Deboris distinguished himself by outstanding achievement as Force Protection Security Escort, 455th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, 455th Air Expeditionary Wing, Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan from XX XXXXX XXXX to XX XXXXXXXXX XXXX. During this period, Staff Sergeant Deboris' outstanding professional skill and superior attention to detail were key factors in the security of 25,000 CJTF-82 and CJTF-101 personnel on Bagram Air Base. Additionally, as both an Element Leader and Day Shift Expediter, Sergeant Deboris was responsible for the logistical support of over 60 Force Protection personnel and 11 construction sites valued at over one billion dollars. He coordinated with DoD contracting and U.S. Army and Navy personnel to ensure daily construction security operations continued uninterrupted. Finally, Sergeant Deboris served as a liaison between the United Arab Emirates and U.S. Air Traffic Controllers. His expertise in aviation communication aided in the United Arab Emirates's successful launch and recovery of the nation's first unmanned Aerial Vehicle, which flew in direct support of the national elections in Afghanistan. The distinctive accomplishments of Staff Sergeant Deboris reflect credit upon himself, the 455th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron and the United States Air Force.
Airman First Class Rebecca A. Bauman distinguished herself by outstanding achievement while assigned as Escort Specialist, 506th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, 332d Air Expeditionary Group, Kirkuk Regional Air Base, Kurkuk, Iraq, from XXXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXXX. While deployed to this important assignment, Airman Bauman provided critical installation security by escorting over four hundred local nationals working daily on contracted projects across the city and valued at more than six million dollars. In addition, Airman Bauman oversaw the distribution and security of over one hundred and twenty weapons and over 70 thousand dollars of critical resources, enabling the uninterrupted progress of construction. Moreover, she selflessly led the remodeling and reconstruction of the new Force Protection building, which provided over four thousand square feet of training space. Finally, while off-duty, she volunteered to organize and distribute water at the Tri-service marathon, facilitating its success and preventing heat related injuries. The distinctive accomplishments of Airman First Class Bauman reflect credit upon herself, the 506th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron and the United States Air Force.
Technical Sergeant Steven M. Twinn distinguished himself by meritorious service while assigned as Force Protection Security Escort, 447th Air Expeditionary Group, 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing, Sather Air Base, Iraq from XXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXX. During this period, Sergeant Twinn deployed to Sather Air Base, Iraq in direct support of Operation Iraqi Freedom where he served as NCOIC of dayshift Escort Control Center operations, prioritizing and assigning over 5,000 jobs to 87 security escorts and facilitating uninterrupted support during construction of 22 critical base sustainment projects worth over 80 million dollars. In addition, he led around-the-clock Force Protection perimeter security of a 30 million dollar airfield pavement repair project and the construction of an 80,000 dollar rotary aircraft pallet area, supporting the movement of over 300,000 passengers and more than 40,000 short-tons of combat cargo through the busiest air mobility hub in the Iraqi theater. The distinctive accomplishments of Technical Sergeant Twinn reflect great credit upon himself, the 447th Air Expeditionary Group, and the United States Air Force.
Senior Airman Jennifer L. Cabe distinguished herself by meritorious service while assigned as Force Protection Escort, 407th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, 407th Expeditionary Mission Support Group, 407th Air Expeditionary Wing, Ali Base, Iraq from XXXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXXX. During this period, while deployed to Ali Base, Iraq, and under constant threat of rocket and mortar attack, Airman Cabe provided and ensured vigilance and protection while performing escort duties. Her efforts directly effected the safety of 13,500 coalition personnel and a 50 million dollar airfield project in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. Additionally, she implemented and enforced Force Protection policies while searching over 400 third country nationals and their vehicles for weapons and contraband items daily. Moreover, Airman Cabe guarded 20 third country nationals during a 1.1 million dollar runway paint project, directly increasing air crew safety and reducing the threat of a Class A mishap. Finally, she demonstrated selfless support by assembling over 450 school packages for Operation Iraqi Child. The distinctive accomplishments of Senior Airman Cabe reflect credit upon herself, the 407th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron and the United States Air Force.
Staff Sergeant Christina L. Battle distinguished herself by meritorious service while assigned as Force Protection Security Escort, 447th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, Sather Air Base, Baghdad, Iraq from XXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXX. During this period, in direct support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Sergeant Battle proved to be a force multiplier by providing inpenetrable security around and on Sather Air Base, Baghdad, Iraq and the surrounding areas. Sergeant Battle performed 40 successful condor team missions and escorted over 500 local nationals with 100 percent accountability and no security incidents. In addition, she recovered and secured a map that was left behind by the Army in an unoccupied building of the VBC area which contained all routes and phase lines used by Security Forces personnel, mitigating the security lapse and protecting Security Forces personnel and the installation. Further, Sergeant Battle donated over 40 hours of off-duty time in support of Operation Good Neighbor and was awarded Warrior of the Week for outstanding performance and was recognized by the Civil Engineer Squadron Commander. The distinctive accomplishments of Staff Sergeant Battle reflect great credit upon herself, the 447th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron and the United States Air Force.